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Collection design-analysis-criticism-how-to

Caps Lock: How Capitalism Took Hold of Graphic Design, and How to Escape from It by Ruben Pater

Our current economic system could not exist without the number systems, coins, banknotes, documents, advertisements, interfaces, typefaces and information graphics that graphic designers have helped to create.


Copy Machine Manifestos: Artists Who Make Zines

Joseph, Branden W.


Criticall!: (Un)Professional Everyday Design Criticism

Van Der Veer, Joannette.


Design in Conservative Times

Conservativism in design: on the relationship between making things and making things great again Sporting two front covers (i.


Design is Storytelling

Good design, like good storytelling, brings ideas to life.


Duotone: Limited Colour Schemes in Graphic Design

Shaoqiang, Wang.


How to Be a Graphic Designer Withou: New Expanded Version

Shaughnessy, Adrian.


Making Comic Zines

Atoms, Eddy.


Making Comics by Lynda Barry

Barry, Lynda.


Notes on Book Design: By Formal Settings

Kollberg, Amanda-Li.


Principles of Logo Design

Learn to design simple, powerful, and timeless logos.


Productive Archiving: Aristic Strategies, Future Memories, and Fluid Identities

Productive Archiving discusses a variety of problems of archival organizations.


Superstorm: Politics and Design in the Age of Information

Biasetton, Noemi.


User Friendly: Hidden Rules of Design

User Friendly: How the Hidden Rules of Design Are Changing the Way We Live, Work, and Play By Cliff Kuang with Robert Fabricant In User Friendly, Cliff Kuang and Robert Fabricant reveal the untold story of a paradigm that quietly rules our modern lives: the assumption that machines should anticipate what we need.


What is Post-Branding

Brands aren’t just intruding on culture, they are our culture: they are the sponsored mechanisms for constructing and manipulating meaning and human identity.
